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Yes I read. No, I don’t own an iPad.

8 Jun

I thought that I would kick off the blog with a post about the printed Warcraft universe. I personally am a HUGE fan of the novels. I’m currently finishing up the 3rd book in the ‘War of the Ancients’ series and I have to say that for as much shit Richard A. Knaak gets for some of the books he’s wrote for Blizzard…I am thourougly absorbed in this series. I find myself finishing a book and then running straight for the nearest Waterstones to find the next book in the series. (Waterstones is the UK of Barnes and Noble but more classy without a Starbucks or fucking whiny kids).  I just get really absorbed into the characters like Tyrande and Malfurion, how their relationship develops and their struggle with the Burning Legion. This series is about the 1st coming of the Burning Legion and the opening of the Dark Portal to let Sargaras through so he can splinter Azeroth into smithereens. I won’t really say anymore about the plot other than it’s set mainly before Neltharion went nutso and Azshara was still a Night Elf.

Anyhoo! We don’t need anymore spoilery goodness about the book series. I just recommend you go out and buy it, because it is really good and you won’t regret the purchase at all. I really like Richard A. Knaak’s work, I’m looking forward to grabbing the Malfurion Stormrage book and reading it from cover to cover when I finally have money again. He has such a way with words, developing the characters with such ease and pulling you so far into the Warcraft universe that when you do finally pull your head out of the book…you’ll forget what country you live in, never mind the day or the time.

I’m still yet to find any of the Warcraft Manga in the UK…and hopefully one day I will find a supplier that is importing it. I’m actually a really big fan of the Manga cartoons, as an artist myself…it’s not so much the stories that I love to read but the artwork I love to look at. I’m actually the kind of person who has framed comic strips and cartoons up on my walls- I love artwork especially if it’s of the Warcraft variety. I love to scan the internet for the Sunday Warcraft comics and look forward to the Sunday Funnies section on every week. Some of these people are seriously talented, and my hat is off to you people 🙂

There are various authors who write the Blizzard novels, not only just Richard A. Knaak. Christie Golden wrote the Arthas novel, which I’ve also read and thought that was an amazing insight into his twisted, warped mind…and strangely felt even more sorry for Jaina. And Don Perrin writes Day of the Clans. I’ve not had the chance to read into that yet. Also, thanks to the Warcraft novels, I was able to name my Death Knight after giving her a scrub a dub dub and a faction transfer. I used Night of the Dragon to get her name, lol. Win.

But I love books. I love to hold them in my hands, stack them up on my shelves and sit flicking through the pages..hour after hour. I love writing books. I love the smell of musty old book shops and I love how most of them are really compact that you can just toss them in your bag for some portable entertainment when you’re waiting for the bus or are stuck at a kid’s birthday party and you’re bored out of your mind. (If the latter occurs, find the nearest closet, sit in there and lock the door behind you. Oh and remember to take a flashlight- you can’t read a book in the dark).

iPads? Yeah, you’re nice…but you’re not a book. Sorry.

